Config etc/***-ini.phpΒΆ

The default location of the configuration file is in YOURAPP/etc/YOURAPP-ini.php The configurations are defined in $config

We already discussed previously when setting up the Database like the following

$config = array(
 'debug' => false,
 'dsn'   => 'mysql://user:pass@unix+localhost/dbname',

Now, to access the config items in ActionClass of your app you can call using the following

class Sample_Action_Index extends Ethna_ActionClass
    function prepare()
        return null;

    function perform()
        //Will get you the settings for ``dsn``
        $dsn = $this->config->get('dsn');

Similarity we can also define the memcached configuration in the same file as

$config = array(
// sample-1: single (or default) memcache
'memcache_host' => 'localhost',
'memcache_port' => 11211,
'memcache_use_pconnect' => false, //persistent connection
'memcache_retry' => 3,
'memcache_timeout' => 3,

It is also possible to define more than one configs for memcache as

$config = array(
// sample-2: multiple memcache servers (distributing w/ namespace and ids)
'memcache' => array(
     'namespace1' => array(
         0 => array(
             'memcache_host' => '',
             'memcache_port' => 11211,
         1 => array(
             'memcache_host' => '',
             'memcache_port' => 11211,