Its All Romantic ================ In this section we will talk about ethna, smarty, localhost & webserver (`Heroku `_) The goal upon this section is to set up ethna on a heroku. Ethna being lightweight we will not install it on heroku but rather just copy the required libs to the server. Setting app on Heroku ---------------------- Go to `Heroku `_ and set up your account. First step here is to set up an app on heroku, lets name it ``ethna-web``. Upon creating the app, go to settings and get the **Git URL:** ```` .. Tip:: Also install the **Heroku Toolbelt** based on your operating system if you haven't done that already. Back to Terminal ---------------- Now on the terminal, make a new Directory lets say ``mkdir ~/Documents/Ethna-Web_Heroku`` And go to that directory. Lets quickly create a file in that directory, .. code-block:: bash $ echo "" >index.php **Initialize the git** .. code-block:: bash $ git init $ git add . $ git commit -m "Committing the index.php" **Add the Remote** Because we have already created the app named ``ethna-web``. Lets just add a remote for the existing app using the terminal .. code-block:: bash $ heroku git:remote -a ethna-web **Push** .. code-blcok:: bash $ git push heroku master Counting objects: 5, done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done. Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 357 bytes, done. Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) -----> PHP app detected .... To ba8dce0..3d9a006 master -> master .. Note:: Note that we added ``index.php`` which also indicates heroku that its a PHP application Test on your url (e.g. provided by heroku for your app if ``hello`` is rendered on the web browser. **Getting Ethna to work** While in the Dir ``~/Documents/Ethna-Web_Heroku``. Lets do the following to add a project. .. code-block:: bash $ ethna add-project ethnaweb Now if you have installed Ethna on your local machine, we need to copy the libraries to heroku server. First copy, .. code-block:: bash $ cp -a ~/pear/share/pear/Smarty ethnaweb/app/ $ cp -a ~/pear/share/pear/Ethna ethnaweb/app/ .. Tip:: You may also want to copy the DB files .. code-block:: bash $ cp -a ~/pear/share/pear/DB ethnaweb/app/ **All Done** Push the changes to heroku's repo .. code-block:: bash $ git add . $ git commit -m "pushing ethna" $ git push heroku master Ethna should render the welcome page on the url Setting up Database ------------------- Setting the database (DB) requires following 2 steps: 1. Create a DB on Heroku 2. Set it up in Ethna To create a DB on Heroku, I am going to use the free one **Heroku Postgres**. Note that the previous tutorial about DB uses Ethna's Backend to call a query to MySQL, but we are not restricted to just using Ethna's, misc DB can also be easily integrated. **Getting Heroku username & password** .. code-block:: bash $ heroku config | grep HEROKU_POSTGRESQL ...HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_MAROON_URL: postgres://himvd $ heroku pg:credentials MAROON The above will output the username & password like the following .. code-block:: bash "dbname=abcdefg host=**** port=5432 user=**** password=**** sslmode=require" **Setting PDO in Ethna** Setup the username and password in ``etc/ethnaweb-ini.php`` .. code-block:: php $config = array( // site 'url' => '', // debug // (to enable ethna_info and ethna_unittest, turn this true) 'debug' => false, // db // sample-1: single db // 'dsn' => 'mysql://user:password@server/database', // 'dsn' => 'dbname=d5thfeu7cb8dms port=5432 user=himvdmapqkjhav password=zGN3cprl66dNc1Qh-HzEsTwez7 sslmode=require', 'pghost' => '***', 'pgdbname' => '*****', 'pguser' => '*****', 'pgpassword'=> '*****', .. code-block:: php config->get('pghost'); $dbname = $this->config->get('pgdbname'); $user = $this->config->get('pguser'); $pass = $this->config->get('pgpassword'); // $dbh = new PDO('pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=[YOUR_DATABASE_NAME]'); // $db = new PDO('pgsql:host='.$host.';'.'dbname='.$dbname.';user='.$user.';password='.$pass); $db = new PDO('pgsql:host='.$host.';'.'dbname='.$dbname, $user, $pass); All Done ! Create the table in heroku using terminal and do the queries from ethna .. tip:: CLI interface to connect to heroku's postgresql .. code-block:: bash $ psql -h HOSTNAME -U USERNAME DBNAME